the amazing power of google analytics

After watching the video about Google analytics in this assignment I was able to better understand what information I am being given on my Keywords, Ads and landing page. The biggest issue that I have been having was that I didn’t truly understand why my campaigns and ads were not getting more attention and what was missing from them. I felt like the design side to my ads and information was really successful because once people got to my site I was having really good conversion rates but I was struggling to get peoples attention. This means that I was struggling with my ads and my key words.

Though out this lesson and the past few weeks I have been trying to drive attention to my site. I needed to take a step back from my actually website and focus on how they are going to get there. I have had really great direct domain name recall, which doesn’t surprise me because a lot of times my customers are more family, and friends right now.

The worst feature I have is my keywords. I was directing people to my site more focus on the direct products. Rather than focusing people to unique ad words. I am thinking that if I were to change my key words and really all my ad words to the material or something that is more desirable to others.

After doing all this studying a research about what things are struggling or are the worst parts and connection points to my website then I will be better able to be successful in the future. This video is so helpful to be able to learn and better understand what great features that Google analytics has and how to use that to your advantage.

Social Media

This is the main thing that I learned this week, social media is a huge part of our world today not only in the way we socialize with friends or loved ones but the way we shop and really spend our lives in a day-to-day setting. Using social media for your business can really make all the difference. I have found that selecting the correct social media platform and really make all the difference. There are, like you all know lots of difference type of social media that focuses on specific parts. Like videos, text, or images, there is even ones that make connections based on current jobs. I think that a large part of using social media to help your website you need to make sure that type of media is what works best for your audience.


I learned a lot about how to make my website that much better these are a few things that I learned about how to make my website that much better. One thing that I would change on my landing page would be the get it now buttons and links. Although I have my main products on my home page. You cant just buy it from the site you click on it and then it goes to a second screen about the product then you have to add it to cart making the customer have to go through a lot of steps to simple add a product to the cart or even start the purchasing process. If it was simpler I would definitely be able to better increase conversion rates.

Do what you do best

The biggest thing that I learned from this week is probably the most simple concept ever but I was able to realize it that i am just not good at somethings and sometimes thats ok. The lesson learned was that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel; there are plenty of good wheels out there that you can copy. I mean in the fact that you don’t have to create a new website or new ideas from nothing use other things out there to inspire and help you expand your knowledge.


This week in our discussion boards and assignment we started learning and working with Google analytics. I really have enjoyed starting this program and its integration with my website. I find that it is a really easy way to help you learn more about what ads are grabbing people’s attention and where I can better put my energy to make my site better. I have learned this week that idea you think will be great and appealing to others may not actually work at all. sounds silly but It has taught me that I don’t know much about ads and need to learn more about how people respond to them.

the power of ads

This week we have been working on creating ads and what makes a great ad and whats make a bad ad. The point of creating an ad is to bring people to your website but also more importantly to get them to buy the products that you have becuase they were correctly directed to the product they were looking for. That being said I have learned the importance of using details and using product details that will make a better representative about the products you have.

its all about the breadcrumbs

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This week we worked on creating an AdWords campaign and how or what to use as keywords. I learn a lot about the importance of words in your ad search and how one word can completely change your audience, your clicks and your sales. It is very interesting to know what makes up a good or bad keyword and why. I learned the importance of having a nice size budget set aside for your ads and how that can greatly impact your sales. You can’t just have a nice website you have to create a great path so that people can find their way to it. Its like leaving breadcrumbs for a mouse. Make sure they are big enough, specific enough and impelling enough to have that mouse wanting to follow the path. Or in our case click on your site.

Maybe I can.


The idea that I wanted to share this week is that I will be able to do this whole website creation and business idea. That may sound silly but I have been so worried about how I was going to do it. I am not very good with technology and was worried if I would even be able to create a site let alone have it work. I am so happy to say that I can do this. I created my site, my domain, a PayPal button. I am getting my business legitimized and started filling out the correct paperwork. Its a lot to get set up but I am doing it. So this week I am just very proud of myself!



This week we focused our time on what design elements would work best for our online business and then we learned how to create a PayPal button for our websites. The process of deciding to include the button and what elements of the PayPal system you want incorporated can be quite the processes but I want to focus what I learned about trends. More specifically design trends. Then looking at similar product websites to mine I found that they all had a very similar layout and feel to them. They were super trendy and of course they were cool and pleasing visually but they didn’t have a timely element to them. This got me thinking of how although I will have an up to date style and trend to website I also want to make sure its timeless. That concept is hard to discover and hard to maintain but having something like that be incorporated with my products would be a real accomplishment.


Brain Overload


This week was insane. It wasn’t so much the work load. Which was a lot. But what we were deciding. I keep feeling like i was making the biggest decision of my life picking what i wanted my online business to be. It just feel so important. And yes it is but only to a point. The worst that can happen is i not do well and loss the money that was invested. That aside when I thought about picking out my website and the designing of it how it will work. I had no idea that i would have so many options. its not just the host or the site builder its the options each ones has that is important. Which aspect do I feel that my business will need and what is important. I have no idea.

There were a lot of times this week that i felt overwhelmed by the decisions and had to just stop looking into the options. I have now picked a host and website builder that I think will help me stay organized and calm through out this process and help me be successful. Hopefully.